Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ever After High

9th Birthday Slumber Party

Ever After High

I am not sure why this series has not taken off more.  It is an adorable children's book series (and limited TV shows on Netflix).  The series is based off the traditional story book characters that Disney has been bringing into our lives since 1937.  The main characters Raven Queen and Apple White (the daughters of the Snow White characters) are approaching their legacy while struggling through the awkward and difficult years of high school  Their story includes  a lot of your favorite character's children with their own legacy and pressures to cope with.

We had to be a little creative and find some help from Pinterest to make this party theme come alive.

Here is some of our supplies from Party City, Michaels, and WalMart

We setup a sign up book as they came in.  The girls selected a key with a characters name and signed the Book of Legends then placed their key where they wanted to sit.

 We found the keys for $1.50 each in the bins at Michael's!

My daughter decided we need feather pens for our craft and was eager to show me how to make them.  We used masking tape, basic black pens and feathers.  Feathers with a long base are the best.  She wrapped feather to pen with colored masking tape.  Simply and Fun!

I decided years ago that making cakes for birthday parties just stressed me out WAY too much.  So we always set aside money to buy cake or in this case, Cookie Cake.  I am thankful for the Great American Cookie, they were able to take my simple sketch of a skeleton key and make a beautiful cookie.

We also borrowed the idea of using the Ever After High paint book as a craft activity.  It was the quietest part of the night!

We used the purple and red theme from the book and characters to create our table-scape.  I found the black labels for the cups (Etch-it) at Wal-mart in the clearance section.  It was a perfect addition to our plain boring cups!

We found these wonderful key bags at Michael's, and we made charm bracelets for the girls to take home.  The bracelets were going to be another activity for the girls to do but they enjoyed playing Twister too much!  So I made them while they were playing and included it in their gift bag.

The gift bags contained a box of movie size candy, bracelet, their painting and feather pen.
It was a pretty simple party but I think the girls really enjoyed themselves. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Stationery card

Happy Balloon Lilac Birthday Invitation
Say "happy birthday," with a Shutterfly custom card design.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

End of Year Parties

It is hard to believe that another school year has passed.  BBQ had her end of year party on Tuesday, it was so cute.  They sang 5 or 6 songs for the parents and came home with journals and certificates for the year.  BBQ really grew a lot this year and I do not mean in height.  She is now a proficent reader and writer!

Here are the 4 amigos, best friends.

And then on Thursday, Sweet Girl had her camp out (during the school day) and class party.  She had a great year as well and really surprised me on how fast she picked up on multiplication.  Her class party was so much fun!

Look Baby Girl got to join in on all the fun.

Our fab 2nd grade teacher!

The kids started dancing to the Cupid Shuffle, in fact more boys were dancing than girls!

 Bouncy house fun!

Sweet Girl with her best friend, H

So that is the end of this school year, we are excited to see what the next school year holds.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

She makes cupcakes look good...

We all so enjoy our Baby Girl and the fact that she is crawling all over the place has just made us enjoy her all the more.  She is especially entertaining to the the girls, in fact BBQ was teaching her how to crawl through our coffee tablethe other day.  Everyday is a new adventure for her.

It is bitter sweet knowing all these firsts are our lasts - well at least until we have some sweet grand kids!  So even though Baby Girl's crawling is a lot more work for me, I so enjoy watching her explore and gain her Independence. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

At the park ..

I had good intentions, I am not sure how well it really worked out though.  After picking the big girls up from their slumber party I decided to take all three girls with me to the park.  The farmer's market was open and there would be an art festival going on. Well, little girls who have been to a slumber party are not usually in the best mood the next day and they were not that excited with the heat or anything for that matter. 

I had my mind made up that we were going to have fun - just us girls.  So we went and picked out fresh strawberries (and I am pretty sure we paid more for them than we would have from our local grocery store) and then bought a sweet basil plant to start an herb garden.  Then baby girl was hot and hungry so we had to stop and feed her before walking through the art tents. 

I wish I could say they were wowed by the art but it was more like...I am hot, can we get a lemonade??....Its hot!  We did however find a small shade spot and enjoy the drums being played on the stage for awhile.  Our final walk through the art did produce a neat art exhibit that the girls were asked to help with. 

 They helped make a tree from recycled plastic and cardboard that we use everyday.  And then I realized to quit on a positive note, so we headed to our nice cool house for lunch.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Our Family's Dedication

Baby girl came into our life in August and stole our hearts...but it was not a surprise to GOD that she was always suppose to be, it just surprised us.
 So there was nothing more special than standing with the love of my life and our 3 daughters and committing before our church to raise Baby Girl to know her creator.  I have no doubt that GOD has great plans for our little girl and she is surrounded  by people who adore her and want her to receive all that GOD has in store for her.

We were so blessed to belong to a church that is like family to us and has helped our family to grow closer and closer to Christ.

I am so thankful to have the support of our family who joined us for breakfast and church service to witness our commitment.

We are just blessed beyond measure!